Elegant Sun executes and deliver the project within an agreed time and budget, commonly known as a Lump
With our group of Associates [including industrial architects] we can offer "single source" consulting capability including: Economic Appraisal, Project Programming, Site Selection and Preliminary Design, Final Design, Engineering, Procurement and Construction, On-Site Engineering, and Start-Up.
We are experienced in re-engineering manufacturing companies to cut costs and increase plant productivity.
We will assist in determining the specifications and design of equipment for your new or existing plant without costly over-engineering. We collect machinery and equipment directly from machinery manufacturers or dealers.
The plant layouts of the80s and 90s are not globally competitive any longer. We can produce plant layouts designed to remove constraints, to improve thru-put, and to reduce costs by utilizing lean manufacturing principals.
We can assist top management in the Global Strategic Planning process in areas of Sales and Marketing as well as that of Manufacturing.
Unlike many firms, our furniture consultants have top management experience. With our furniture consulting experiences and having had P&L; responsibilities in the industry, we offer unique management assistance in evaluating the effectiveness of various operational areas within a company, and in developing change initiatives for continuous improvement - all designed to enhance operational efficiency and the bottom line.
We offer assistance in improving productivity and competitiveness in order to compete globally. See Manufacturing and Engineering pages.
Furniture Import and Export Consulting and Furniture Marketing Strategy formulation are offered to define and blend customer requirements with the capabilities of the factory. We have associates who specialize in these areas with over 10 years combined experience in Furniture Export Sales and Marketing. Our market research capabilities in residential and office furniture are unsurpassed.
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